Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Vice President
Community Service
Vocational Service
International Service
Club Service
Senior Advisor
Foundation President
Youth Service
Immediate Past President
Club Information
Welcome to New City Rotary!  If you would like to attend a meeting to see what Rotary is like, feel free to show up.  We would be more than happy to have you.  Lunch is $25.
New City

Building Communities Bridging Continents

We meet In Person
Mondays at 12:15 p.m.
Bailey's Smokehouse
191 South Main Street
New City, NY 10956
United States of America
Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding freeze

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding

Korea-Japan friendship conference sparks dialogue

Rotary leaders from both countries reflect on the challenges and opportunities of peacebuilding across borders

A pioneer in Black horror fiction resurrects her uncle's history

Former Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar Tananarive Due, a pioneer in Black horror fiction, resurrects history of her forgotten uncle

The election observers

An election monitoring mission in Nigeria presents a pathway for peacebuilding

The disaster recovery playbook

After historic storms, Rotary clubs look to Florida’s hard-earned wisdom about disaster recovery efforts

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